Monday, February 8, 2010

EMF (8 February 2010) As part of international campaign to demand the release of Birtukan Mideksa, charismatic leader of Ethiopia’s opposition UDJ, the Dutch chapter of Amnesty International held a colourful “Free Birtukan!” campaign programs on Sunday, 7 February 2010 in Abcoude, Netherlands. [Picture By, Nienke Meek]
Among the speakers at the program were Judge Welde-Michael Meshesa and Mr. Bartho Braat, a famous Dutch actor who plays as Jef Alberts in GTST.
Mr. Bartho Braat, a famous Dutch serie film actor (goede tijd slechte tijd) tells story of Pandora box, how and why Judge Wolde-Michael flee from Ethiopia. Birtukan Mideksa is serving a life sentence in Kaliti Prison in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. She is Amnesty’s prisoner of conscience. AI categorized Birtukan’s imprisonment as unjust and politically motivated.
The event was opened by the orchestra music of Cecilia and Friends, followed by an impressive reading of the Dutch famous serie film actor, Mr. Bartho Braat, about the myth of Pandora box. Mr. Bartho explained why and how Judge Wolde-Michael flee his beloved country. “The Judge refused Meles Zenawi’s request to reverse the decision he and his inquiry commission made a conclusion - the security forces used excessive forces to stop the unrest that occurred in the country”.
Several questions were raised to Judge Wolde-Michael, to which he gave impressive responses.
“She spoke about her pardon at a public meeting in Sweden in November 2008 that the base for their release was the negotiation that initiated and concluded in agreement with the government by the Ethiopian elders. When she returned to back, the authorities asked her to retract the statement she made in Sweden; she refused to retract her and was rearrested in December 2008.” Judge Wolde-Michael said.
Wolde-Michael also explained about the worsening human right situation, the hunger which resulted from bad governance and the death of freedom of expression in Ethiopia. He also thanked Amnesty International for its  positive contribution towards respect of human rights worldwide in general and particularly for its role in Ethiopia.
Amnesty's Free Birtukan! campaign in Netherlands
Amnesty’s Free Birtukan! campaign in Netherlands
The Cecilia and Friends orchestra added flavor to the program through its popular music of king Solomon to queen of Sheba and other musics to honor Birtukan Mideksa.
Finally the gathering signed a post card letter which addressed to European Union’s commissioner of development and Birtukan Mideksa.