Monday, November 21, 2011

Ethiopia: Stop Using Anti-Terror Law to Stifle Peaceful Dissent

Diplomats Should Systematically Monitor Terrorism Trials
November 21, 2011
The anti-terror law itself is a huge problem. The international community, especially the European Union, United States, and United Kingdom, should ask the Ethiopian government hard questions about why it is using this law to crack down on peaceful independent voices.
Rona Peligal, deputy Africa director at Human Rights Watch
(Nairobi) – The Ethiopian government should cease using its overly broad anti-terrorism law against journalists and peaceful political activists, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International said today.

On November 23, 2011, the trial of 24 people charged with terrorism offenses on November 10 will continue. Those charged include six journalists and two members of the opposition Unity for Democracy and Justice (UDJ) party. Sixteen of the 24 are being tried in absentia. Several other terrorism trials of journalists and opposition activists are ongoing.

“The Ethiopian government is exploiting its vaguely worded anti-terror law to crush peaceful dissent,” said Rona Peligal, deputy Africa director at Human Rights Watch.

The Anti-Terrorism Proclamation of 2009 includes an overbroad and vague definition of terrorist acts and a definition of “encouragement of terrorism” that makes the publication of statements “likely to be understood as encouraging terrorist acts” punishable by 10 to 20 years in prison. These provisions mean that critics of government such as journalists and political opponents could be charged for encouraging terrorism, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International said.

The organizations urged the Ethiopian government to facilitate systematic monitoring of the trials by the diplomatic community. The times and locations of hearings have been altered at the last minute at least twice during the ongoing trials. The government should ensure that key information, including location and time of hearings, is available to the public.

Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch also urged diplomats stationed in Ethiopia to carry out systematic monitoring of the ongoing terrorism trials and the trials of members of the Oromo political opposition arrested during 2011. This is particularly important in the absence of independent human rights organizations, which the Ethiopian government has effectively banned. While diplomatic representatives have attended several remand hearings and trial sessions of terrorism cases, none were apparently present at the November 10 confirmation of charges hearing, following a last-minute change of location, nor at the subsequent hearing on November 15.

Ethiopia’s foreign partners closely followed a series of trials from 2005 to 2007, in which treason charges were brought following contested elections. The Council of the European Union appointed a full-time trial observer, although the findings of its report were never made public. EU embassy staff monitored these trials on a rotating basis, and a US embassy staff member was also present.

“Diplomats’ systematic monitoring of these trials is essential,” said Michelle Kagari, deputy director for Africa at Amnesty International. “Without the presence of local civil society, diplomats can play a vital role in witnessing whether or not the suspects’ right to a fair trial is respected.”

None of the defendants detained and charged under the Anti-Terrorism Proclamation during 2011 had access to a lawyer during the pre-trial period. Three of those charged have complained in court of mistreatment in detention.

Public comments by Prime Minister Meles Zenawi and the government spokesman, Shimeles Kemal, have undermined the defendants’ presumption of innocence, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International said. Their comments might also exert political pressure on the courts in a country where the judiciary lacks independence.

Since June 2011, the Ethiopian government has charged at least 33 people under the Anti-Terrorism Proclamation of 2009.

In addition, in 2011, at least 98 members of the two main Oromo political opposition parties, the Oromo Federal Democratic Movement (OFDM) and the Oromo People’s Congress (OPC), have been arrested and charged under the Criminal Code on the basis of alleged involvement with the Oromo Liberation Front, a banned rebel group.

Seven of the people charged on November 10 had previously been charged during the trials that followed the 2005 elections. All had been given presidential pardon. Three of the seven are among the defendants who are now in custody, two others fled the country after their earlier release, and two were already living in exile when they were charged in the earlier cases.

Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International have long called for the anti-terrorism law to be amended to bring it into line with Ethiopia’s domestic and international legal obligations.

“The anti-terror law itself is a huge problem,” Peligal said. “The international community, especially the European Union, United States, and United Kingdom, should ask the Ethiopian government hard questions about why it is using this law to crack down on peaceful independent voices.”

Thursday, November 17, 2011

 We, members of Unity for Human Rights and Democracy Toronto are shocked to hear of the death of Yenesew Gebre, a 29-nine year old Ethiopian teacher from southwest Ethiopia who set himself on fire on Friday, November 11, and died on Monday November 14 in the town of Dawro, Waka, Southern Ethiopia, after confronting government officials at a public meeting.

It gives heartbreaking testimony to the unbearable pain he and others have suffered under the brutal and oppressive rule of the Tigrean Peoples Liberation Front under the leadership of Meles Zenawi for the past 20 years. We strongly believe every life is a God-given gift and one life lost is one too many. As advocates of a peaceful struggle for democracy and justice, this stands for upholding the human and civil rights of all people regardless of ethnicity or other differences. When one Ethiopian is hurt, we are all hurt.

Mr. Yenesew Gebre is not just some unknown Ethiopian; he is one of us and has a name. He is the son, brother, uncle, best friend, teacher or valued colleague of others who also have names. We are sure his absence in this world will be deeply grieved by all of them and our thoughts and prayers are with them at this time. He is part of our greater Ethiopian family and together, we mourn the loss of his life. He is one of the many Ethiopians who have been deprived of his life.
The Canadian government has spent hundreds of millions of Canadian tax payers’ money supporting the regime in Ethiopia.  Particularly, in the past decade millions of dollars were spent to revitalize the justice system in Ethiopia, which today is in total collapse. The regime of Meles Zenawi, uses the justice system as a tool to intimidate political opponents. Political motivated trials in the past also indicate that, the judiciary in Ethiopia is neither independent nor impartial. In the last twenty years no person accused of an offence in relation to his political activities has received a favourable ruling. Simply put, the justice system is manipulated controlled and directed by the regime.
According to Ethiopian Satellite Television (ESAT) sources, Yenesew was very angry at the injustice the people were subjected at the hands of ruling party officials. It also appears that Yenesew had been fired from his teaching position due to his political views and unswerving stand against human rights violations, tyranny and oppression. As Canadians it hurts us a lot to see our government supporting and more, sending Canadian Tax payer’s money to a dictator that does not respect basic Human rights.
We, members of Unity for Human Rights and Democracy, demand Canada review, more clearly stop its financial support to the regime of Mr.Mels Zenaw, and raise the issue of an immediate political reform in Ethiopia.
Our condolence goes to the family and friends to Yenesew Gebre.

Yousuf Omer
November 18, 2011